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Pwllheli suppliers in the Manor house, Stately homes category in Gwynedd


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Talhenbont Hall

Venues, Manor house, Stately homes, Pwllheli, Gwynedd

Visit the Talhenbont Hall website Visit the Facebook page for Talhenbont Hall Visit the Twitter page for Talhenbont Hall Visit the Pinterest page for Talhenbont Hall Visit the Instagram page for Talhenbont Hall Visit the YouTube page for Talhenbont Hall

A Destination Wedding Venue in North Wales, two minutes from the stunning beaches of the Llyn Peninsula and the mountains of Snowdonia.

Talhenbont Hall Estate is nestled in 100 acres of ancient woodland and gardens on the stunning Llyn Peninsula, North Wales, an area of outstanding natural beauty. It is the perfect location for the wedding celebration of your dreams. (Manor house, Stately homes in Pwllheli)

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