Your Yorkshire Wedding - March/April 2021 (Issue 47)

We chose Yorkshire Sculpture Park because it’s so beautiful and fairly local to where we live. It has gorgeous grounds and views – and they said our dog could come to the ceremony! We decided to have a meal for our 15 guests at Quirky Corner in Meltham after the ceremony, which was allowed at the time as we were in tier two. It was where Alex and I had our second date, and the owner kindly agreed to open the restaurant especially for us. It’s a family-run business and they were so lovely; the food was amazing and we had the place to ourselves. After the lockdown announcement, we felt really demoralised, with just a week to go to our big day. Then, we realised we could move it forward. We found out we could go ahead at 4.30pm on the Monday and we got married at 4pm on the Tuesday! 38