Your West Midlands Wedding - Oct/Nov 2019 (Issue 64)

68  What could be more romantic than an aisle of delicate petals to walk upon before you get married?  Natural petal confetti is perfect for decorating the aisle which adds a sprinkling to line the edges of the aisle or go all out to create a bed of petals for a fairytale look. Confetti also makes a fantastic addition to reception tables to add a pop of colour and texture; whether it’s scattered all over the tables or place in a specific position. – Emma Small  The trend is moving more towards low vessel arrangements this year to achieve a more natural and relaxed look, as we’re moving away from oasis foam in our design work. These designs are great to work with the natural shape of flowers to create beautiful arrangements and less of a placed look. Foliage again plays a big part in arrangements this year with several clients wanting foliage garlands for their top table mixed with blush pink and nude colour palettes. Rather than the large installations that we’ve seen of recent years, this year is all about little details. Votives filled with flowers dotted along with the tables coupled with an abundance of taper candles and tea lights create an effortlessly romantic feel. – Emma Thomas  All greenery weddings are very popular and many savvy brides are choosing favours that also double up as venue décor such as mini succulents which guests can take away at the end of the night. Potted plants are also a sensible option as the greenery can be enjoyed afterwards at home for potentially years after the big day. Wildflower meadow type arrangements springing out of the floor are the new, modern way to do pew ends and they can be moved to the venue afterwards to save money. Many brides now have long wooden tables which suit perfectly all greenery garlands or a selection of colourful blooms in little bud vases.  – Caroline Foster  Go big, hang them from the ceilings, the walls, bannisters, everywhere! Statement pieces and creative foliages are becoming so popular with couples wanting that wow factor, be it at the end of their aisle, behind their top table, hanging proudly in their venue or just to have that statement piece. I highly recommend a suspended arrangement. – Roxie Harrison  Deconstructed arches are an up-and-coming trend, they make a fabulous entrance display or backdrop for a ceremony that can be easily moved and enjoyed throughout the day. Hanging stems have been so popular over the years for decoration but they’re being replaced by clouds of flowers, often made of gypsophila in a variety of colours. For couples on a smaller budget, pew ends really transform a ceremony space and can easily be reused as table centres for the reception.  – Edwina Lowe Floral Decor    When deciding on venue décor couples need to think about the key areas they want to highlight. For civil ceremonies, they may want to think of adding flowers to define the aisle – simple chair posies are an effective way of doing this. From an autumn wedding last year, a couple had kept the aisle simple but wanted to add some floral flourishes to the ceremony room. They opted for generous chair posies to dress the sides of their chairs making a lovely feature during the ceremony. – Judith McCormack