Your London Wedding - Mar/Apr 2020 (Issue 70)

Zohrah Day Wedding Planner 07940 956012 Choose from a flexible range of services Full Planning Venue Sourcing Supplier Sourcing Wedding Day Management Each service is tailor made to your requirements, so call today to book your free consultation. uarter Page - v2.indd 1 12/11/2019 10:26:29 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K We provide traditionally dressed mobile oyster shuckers to your party or event. We source the finest quality Oysters and mingle amongst your guest serving this food of Kings! Oyster Meister brings a unique flavour to your party that will not be forgotten soon !.... 07583 719107 0208 747 8981 We provide traditionally dressed mobile oyster shuckers to your party or event. We source the finest quality Oysters and mingle amongst your guest serving this food of Kings! Oyster Meister brings a unique flavour to your party that will not be forgotten soon !.... 07583 719107 0208 747 8981 OYSTER & CAVIAR MEISTER We provide tra itio e obile oyster sh and caviar girls to your party o event. We source the fin st quality oysters a d caviar and mingle among t your guest serving these foods of Kings! Oyst r Meiste brings a unique fl vour to your party hat will not be f rgotten soon !.... HOT E L S B U I L T F O R P L E A S U R E This historic Palladian mansion, located in the heart of the Ashdown Forest, has hosted countless weddings for generations, delivering flawless events with memories to last a lifetime. With our elegant function suites, newly renovated feature bedrooms, vast sunny terraces and stunning gardens along with a pretty church in the grounds, the estate provides the ultimate backdrop to your special day. For wedding showcase dates throughout the year along with packages and exclusive use options, please visit our website. 01825 733333 An сteemed country house venue � Quote this magazine for a FREE glass of Prosecco during your pre-arranged viewing. BUXTED PARK HOTEL ASHDOWN FOREST, EAST SUSSEX