Your Hampshire and Dorset Wedding - Page number 84 - May/June 2021 (Issue 86)

READY, STEADY, MARRY! We’re hoping to get married this year but I’ve not been sticking to my usual healthy routine and my eating habits have gone haywire! I need to get my mojo back to look and feel my best for the big day, but I’m not sure where to start. What would you suggest? Natasha says: Firstly, get your partner involved! It’s a fantastic way to spend time together, support each other and, if you’re competitive, push each other to work that little bit harder. Exercising is always better with someone else, so who better than the love of your life to share it with. ❤ KISS! Keep It Simple Sweetheart It’s tempting to try and do everything all at once, particularly if you’ve only got a short amount of time to reach your goals. But the most effective thing you can do is pick one achievable target, break it down into little steps and work towards each one. ❤ Don’t focus on the numbers Staring at your scales every morning will not make you happy! If you want to track your progress, try only weighing in once a month and take photos at the same time. For the rest of the month, think about how your clothes are fitting and how you’re feeling in yourself. You may find you’ll fit into your pre-lockdown jeans before you see any movement on the scales. ❤ Find exercise you actually enjoy With the world going online, there’s never been a better time to try a class you wouldn’t normally have access to and many of them are still at incredibly low prices or even free. No pain, no gain is old school; enjoying what your body can do and having fun while you exercise is absolutely in! ❤ Be kind to yourself Trying to get fit and plan a wedding are demanding tasks under normal circumstances! So if you didn’t manage to hit your goal for today, it’s ok. Plan your day tomorrow, allow time to reach whatever goal you have in mind and get back to it. Celebrate the days when you hit your goal and look at the other days as opportunities to learn and reassess your plan. Natasha Bligh | Personal trainer | 84