Your East Midlands Wedding - Feb/Mar 2019 (Issue 30)

4 FASHION & BEAUTY 73 FASHION FOCUS Fashion editor Claire Ridley reveals her latest bridal fashion news, buys and launches 74 DRAMATIC DRESSES These showstopping gowns aren’t for the faint-hearted 80 CLEAN LINES These contemporary gowns will flatter most silhouettes 84 BOUDOIR BELLE This season’s bridal lingerie comes in blush pinks, sumptuous creams and soft peach tones 87 SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW Bridesmaids will love these colourful dresses and accessories 88 THE ONLY WAY IS GLAM Reality star and mum-on-the-go Billie Faiers talks bridal beauty 90 BEAUTY BUZZ Our new beauty editor Kelly Andrews reveals all the latest must-haves for the bride-to-be 92 WEDDING WELLNESS New products, tips and tricks for feeling your big-day best 94 FASHION & BEAUTY Q&A Our local pros solve your problems 95 ALL OF A FLUTTER Bring drama to your bridal look with fabulous false lashes HONEYMOONS 100 HONEYMOON NEWS Travel editor Demelza Rayner reveals the latest travel news, destination hotspots and top buys for your post-wedding getaway 102 A WORLD AWAY India was definitely a bucket list destination for Melissa Barker REAL WEDDINGS 32 BRIGHT EYES Calke Abbey set the scene for Lindsey and Chris’ nuptials 41 CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS Rose and Jake shared their day with loved ones at Hazel Gap Barn 49 INSTANT ATTRACTION Jade and Michael celebrated their springtime wedding by creating a floral extravaganza 74 84 87 32