An Essex Wedding - Mar/Apr 2017 (Issue 79)

All about the base I’m having an al fresco wedding and I’m worried that if we’re blessed with sunshine my make-up will melt. How can I ensure it stays put all day? Emma says: When applying any make-up for special occasions the key to getting it to last is preparation. I always go through skin routines with my brides-to-be to make sure they’ll be in tip top condition for their nuptials. On the day itself, use a moisturiser suitable for your complexion, and then a quality, high-end primer – this will ensure your make-up sits well on your face and provides a good base. Then build-up light layers as this will last much longer than heavily applied cosmetics. Lastly use a setting spray – a spritz will set your look in place for the whole day – the only thing you’ll need to touch up is your lipstick! Emma Salisbury Make-up artist Local experts advise on wedding perfection Contact our experts Emma Salisbury Make-up Artist | Sarah Larvin Permanent Makeup Artist | Sarah Larvin Permanent make-up artist Saving face I have some acne scarring on my face that’s stayed with me since my teenage years. Obviously I don’t want these visible on my wedding day. What products would you recommend I use to conceal them? Sarah says: Prior to the wedding, start a good daily skincare regime and facials, which can be recommended by your local beauty therapist. By using professional products and treatments, you can help promote new skin cell growth to improve the tone and appearance of your complexion. On the wedding day itself, the best way to cover acne scars is with a long lasting, waterproof concealer. A favourite of mine is the Makeup Forever Camouflage Cream Palette. This has several different skin shades including a green hue, which when lightly applied, will help to cover redness. Use the correct tone of concealer on the areas affected by scarring or hyperpigmentation with an appropriate brush. Higher coverage is only needed in these areas, so you can still achieve a natural looking base by applying a light-weight foundation to the rest of your face. 105 ASK THE EXPERTS