Your West Midlands Wedding- Page number 55 - October/November 2021 (Issue 76)

Autumn CONTACT THE EXPERT Caviar & Chips “I absolutely love cooking and eating duck. Firstly, we have a breast roasted, with crispy skin, rendered fat and lovely pink meat on the inside. Secondly, I braise the leg, pull down the meat and make a spring roll, with chilli, cucumber, spring onion, carrot, mooli and a barbecue sauce to bind.” “Autumn lends itself to warmer and more comforting dishes such as game, root vegetables and fruit and nut desserts like apple and hazelnuts.” “A sweet potato fondant provides a lighter alternative to a typical potato element. To this, I add a sweetcorn purée, charred corn and corn florets, to add a delicate touch that contrasts with rich duck. The dish is finished with barbecue sauce and some crispy duck skin, which, if you haven’t tried before, is the best ‘crackling’ you’ll find.” “A Mille Feuille is traditionally a dessert, literally meaning ‘a thousand layers’, romantically describing the many thin layers of pastry that steam apart from the butter that melts as the puff pastry cooks. This dish is a savoury take, using pressed squares of the pastry, layered with sautéed wild mushrooms, and shaved pickled mushrooms. There is an addition of blue cheese, for the salty, highly savoury flavour that goes so well with mushroom. A pickled radish and herb dressing helps to balance the other flavours, and a finish of bitter leaves, such as raddichio, frissee and rocket, complete the flavour profiles.” “A good chocolate mousse is loved by almost everyone. One thing a mousse does not possess on its own is texture, and so I like to add both raspberry and pistachio crumble and honeycomb. The raspberries in the crumble are freeze-dried and crispy, adding an intense zing to the dish, while the honeycomb provides the sharp snap in texture, along with its signature deep caramel flavour. To reinforce the touch of raspberry, go for a Chambord cream – after all, an addition of booze never hurt a pudding! Finally, ruby chocolate shards provide some texture as well as a fruity after-taste that helps to balance both the chocolate and the raspberry.” CATERING 55
