Your Devon and Cornwall Wedding - Page number 30 - September/October 2021 (Issue 33)

G E O R G E C H E S T E R T O N P H O T O G R A P H Y www. georgechester ton . co . uk THE GREEN, NETHERTON, UPTON CROSS, LISKEARD PL14 5BD 01579 362 253 • relax@thegreencornwal l • www.thegreencornwal l A MAGICAL WEDDING VENUE IN THE HEART OF CORNWALL As you coast gently downhi l l from the granite-speckled heights and wi ld, sweeping contours of Bodmin Moor, the open expanses give way to rol l ing dense woodland. In a wonderful ly secluded spot, where lush hi l ls tumble into the idyl l ic r iver val ley below and a picture-perfect patchwork of orchards and meadows cloaks the hor izon, you’ l l f ind The Green. Your ready-made wedding vi l lage – whol ly pr ivate and an endlessly pretty place to get marr ied. Whether you’re after a large-scale traditional affai r, a cosy DIY country celebration, a wicked elopement or a laidback festival -style party, our professional team wi l l make sure it al l goes smoothly.
