Your Bristol & Somerset Wedding - April/May 2021 (Issue 82)

englandsf inestcars@gmai l .com 0117 9324340 or 07771 716742 WWW. E NG L A ND S F I N E S T C A R S . C O . U K Englands Finest WE D D I NG C A R S Credit Matt Fox Photography Storybox Photography Storybox Photography T: 01460 53020 E: 8 East Street, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0AJ At Cottage Flowers we absolutely adore designing and creating wedding flowers, meeting our couples and their families and making their dreams come true. It really is one of our favourite parts to being a florist and has been now for over 20 years! VENUE DECOR MOBILE BAR DISCOS CATERING BALLOONS HEN PARTIES MAGIC MIRRORS CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT FLOWER WALL FUN FOODS GIANT GAMES FAVOURS WEDDING STATIONERY WEDDING GIFTS 07702 179293 BUTTERFLYOCCASIONS@OUTLOOK.COM W WW.BUTTERFLY-OCCASIONS.CO.UK